Top Attacker PokemonThis data is relevant to Pokemon Go - Sorted by Max Attack (Not Included Mega or Primal)High attack is good for raids, but may not be good in PVP leagues if the defense is low or the Pokemon has a bad moveset. |
Mewtwo (Shadow) | Psychic | Max Atk: 317.52 | Max CP: 4724 | Max Def: 132.4 | Max HP: 192 |
Rampardos (Shadow) | Rock | Max Atk: 312.6 | Max CP: 3728 | Max Def: 83.36 | Max HP: 196 |
Salamence (Shadow) | Dragon, Flying | Max Atk: 294.48 | Max CP: 4239 | Max Def: 123.04 | Max HP: 194 |
Xurkitree | Electric | Max Atk: 289.9 | Max CP: 4451 | Max Def: 133.6 | Max HP: 176 |
Groudon (Shadow) | Ground | Max Atk: 287.4 | Max CP: 4652 | Max Def: 163.36 | Max HP: 184 |
Kyogre (Shadow) | Water | Max Atk: 287.4 | Max CP: 4652 | Max Def: 163.36 | Max HP: 184 |
Latios (Shadow) | Dragon, Psychic | Max Atk: 285.36 | Max CP: 4310 | Max Def: 152.56 | Max HP: 172 |
Kartana | Grass, Steel | Max Atk: 284 | Max CP: 4156 | Max Def: 165.5 | Max HP: 129 |
Dragonite (Shadow) | Dragon, Flying | Max Atk: 280.32 | Max CP: 4287 | Max Def: 143.2 | Max HP: 188 |
Garchomp (Shadow) | Dragon, Ground | Max Atk: 278.28 | Max CP: 4479 | Max Def: 139.84 | Max HP: 213 |
Pheromosa | Bug, Fighting | Max Atk: 278.1 | Max CP: 3213 | Max Def: 84 | Max HP: 158 |
Blacephalon | Fire, Ghost | Max Atk: 277.3 | Max CP: 3727 | Max Def: 137 | Max HP: 131 |
Sneasler (Shadow) | Fighting, Poison | Max Atk: 276.24 | Max CP: 3643 | Max Def: 116.32 | Max HP: 172 |
Metagross (Shadow) | Steel, Psychic | Max Atk: 274.32 | Max CP: 4286 | Max Def: 163.36 | Max HP: 172 |
Excadrill (Shadow) | Ground, Steel | Max Atk: 272.28 | Max CP: 3667 | Max Def: 96.8 | Max HP: 215 |
Zapdos (Shadow) | Electric, Flying | Max Atk: 270.24 | Max CP: 3987 | Max Def: 134.48 | Max HP: 186 |
Tyranitar (Shadow) | Rock, Dark | Max Atk: 268.2 | Max CP: 4335 | Max Def: 149.2 | Max HP: 201 |
Articuno (Shadow) | Ice, Flying | Max Atk: 267.24 | Max CP: 4059 | Max Def: 142.48 | Max HP: 186 |
Mewtwo | Psychic | Max Atk: 264.6 | Max CP: 4724 | Max Def: 165.5 | Max HP: 192 |
Mamoswine (Shadow) | Ice, Ground | Max Atk: 264.24 | Max CP: 3763 | Max Def: 108.24 | Max HP: 215 |
Rampardos | Rock | Max Atk: 260.5 | Max CP: 3728 | Max Def: 104.2 | Max HP: 196 |
Ursaluna (Shadow) | Ground, Normal | Max Atk: 260.16 | Max CP: 4358 | Max Def: 131.76 | Max HP: 245 |
Raikou (Shadow) | Electric | Max Atk: 258.12 | Max CP: 3902 | Max Def: 141.2 | Max HP: 186 |
Rhyperior (Shadow) | Ground, Rock | Max Atk: 258.12 | Max CP: 4221 | Max Def: 137.84 | Max HP: 223 |
Archeops | Rock, Flying | Max Atk: 258 | Max CP: 3766 | Max Def: 129.4 | Max HP: 164 |
Top Pokemon Ranked for Master LeagueThis data is relevant to Pokemon Go |
Palkia (Origin) | Water, Dragon | Max CP: 4683 | Max Atk: 252.9 | Max Def: 199.9 | Max HP: 171 |
Zygarde (Complete Form) | Dragon, Ground | Max CP: 4208 | Max Atk: 167.2 | Max Def: 186.5 | Max HP: 339 |
Landorus (Therian) | Ground, Flying | Max CP: 4434 | Max Atk: 255.4 | Max Def: 163 | Max HP: 184 |
Giratina (Altered) | Ghost, Dragon | Max CP: 3820 | Max Atk: 169.7 | Max Def: 201.6 | Max HP: 251 |
Palkia | Water, Dragon | Max CP: 4512 | Max Atk: 247.9 | Max Def: 193.3 | Max HP: 171 |
Necrozma (Dawn Wings) | Psychic, Ghost | Max CP: 4634 | Max Atk: 245.3 | Max Def: 197.4 | Max HP: 180 |
Dragonite | Dragon, Flying | Max CP: 4287 | Max Atk: 233.6 | Max Def: 179 | Max HP: 188 |
Dragonite (Shadow) | Dragon, Flying | Max CP: 4287 | Max Atk: 280.32 | Max Def: 143.2 | Max HP: 188 |
Giratina (Origin) | Ghost, Dragon | Max CP: 4164 | Max Atk: 201.6 | Max Def: 169.7 | Max HP: 251 |
Solgaleo | Psychic, Steel | Max CP: 4570 | Max Atk: 226.9 | Max Def: 173.1 | Max HP: 234 |
Kyurem | Dragon, Ice | Max CP: 4041 | Max Atk: 219.3 | Max Def: 155.5 | Max HP: 218 |
Meloetta | Normal, Psychic | Max CP: 4490 | Max Atk: 222.6 | Max Def: 201.6 | Max HP: 201 |
Necrozma (Dusk Mane) | Psychic, Steel | Max CP: 4634 | Max Atk: 245.3 | Max Def: 197.4 | Max HP: 180 |
Mewtwo | Psychic | Max CP: 4724 | Max Atk: 264.6 | Max Def: 165.5 | Max HP: 192 |
Mewtwo (Shadow) | Psychic | Max CP: 4724 | Max Atk: 317.52 | Max Def: 132.4 | Max HP: 192 |
Zekrom | Dragon, Electric | Max CP: 4565 | Max Atk: 243.7 | Max Def: 189.9 | Max HP: 184 |
Xerneas | Fairy | Max CP: 4275 | Max Atk: 222.7 | Max Def: 168.1 | Max HP: 219 |
Dialga (Origin) | Steel, Dragon | Max CP: 4624 | Max Atk: 239.4 | Max Def: 201.6 | Max HP: 184 |
Groudon | Ground | Max CP: 4652 | Max Atk: 239.5 | Max Def: 204.2 | Max HP: 184 |
Groudon (Shadow) | Ground | Max CP: 4652 | Max Atk: 287.4 | Max Def: 163.36 | Max HP: 184 |
Reshiram | Dragon, Fire | Max CP: 4565 | Max Atk: 243.7 | Max Def: 189.9 | Max HP: 184 |
Avalugg (Hisuian) | Ice, Rock | Max CP: 3909 | Max Atk: 192.4 | Max Def: 212.5 | Max HP: 194 |
Ho-Oh | Fire, Flying | Max CP: 4367 | Max Atk: 213.4 | Max Def: 217.6 | Max HP: 192 |
Ho-Oh (Shadow) | Fire, Flying | Max CP: 4367 | Max Atk: 256.08 | Max Def: 174.08 | Max HP: 192 |
Goodra | Dragon | Max CP: 3963 | Max Atk: 197.5 | Max Def: 216 | Max HP: 186 |
Top Pokemon Ranked for Ultra LeagueThis data is relevant to Pokemon Go |
Tapu Fini | Water, Fairy | Attack: 148.1 | Defense: 201.8 | HP: 141 |
Feraligatr | Water | Attack: 159.8 | Defense: 150.6 | HP: 162 |
Feraligatr (Shadow) | Water | Attack: 159.8 | Defense: 150.6 | HP: 162 |
Registeel | Steel | Attack: 122.8 | Defense: 242.2 | HP: 171 |
Poliwrath | Water, Fighting | Attack: 149.3 | Defense: 157.3 | HP: 177 |
Pidgeot | Normal, Flying | Attack: 152.1 | Defense: 142 | HP: 176 |
Cobalion | Steel, Fighting | Attack: 146.2 | Defense: 179.3 | HP: 163 |
Mandibuzz | Dark, Flying | Attack: 121 | Defense: 184.9 | HP: 215 |
Cresselia | Psychic | Attack: 120 | Defense: 207.9 | HP: 208 |
Virizion | Grass, Fighting | Attack: 146.2 | Defense: 179.3 | HP: 163 |
Swampert | Water, Ground | Attack: 158.5 | Defense: 140.7 | HP: 176 |
Swampert (Shadow) | Water, Ground | Attack: 158.5 | Defense: 140.7 | HP: 176 |
Talonflame | Fire, Flying | Attack: 160.5 | Defense: 142.9 | HP: 168 |
Guzzlord | Dark, Dragon | Attack: 146.2 | Defense: 86.1 | HP: 339 |
Pelipper | Water, Flying | Attack: 159.7 | Defense: 158.8 | HP: 142 |
Gliscor | Ground, Flying | Attack: 148.8 | Defense: 185.8 | HP: 151 |
Jellicent | Water, Ghost | Attack: 141.5 | Defense: 158 | HP: 197 |
Annihilape | Fighting, Ghost | Attack: 159.7 | Defense: 137.6 | HP: 177 |
Skeledirge | Fire, Ghost | Attack: 157 | Defense: 140.7 | HP: 180 |
Empoleon | Water, Steel | Attack: 161.2 | Defense: 150.7 | HP: 158 |
Empoleon (Shadow) | Water, Steel | Attack: 161.2 | Defense: 150.7 | HP: 158 |
Regirock | Rock | Attack: 133.9 | Defense: 237.1 | HP: 146 |
Regirock (Shadow) | Rock | Attack: 133.9 | Defense: 237.1 | HP: 146 |
Skarmory | Steel, Flying | Attack: 137 | Defense: 202.5 | HP: 149 |
Steelix | Steel, Ground | Attack: 127 | Defense: 237.5 | HP: 162 |
Top Pokemon Ranked for Great LeagueThis data is relevant to Pokemon Go |
Carbink | Rock, Fairy | Attack: 84.9 | Defense: 247.9 | HP: 126 |
Annihilape | Fighting, Ghost | Attack: 123.9 | Defense: 106.3 | HP: 137 |
Mantine | Water, Flying | Attack: 106.2 | Defense: 163.1 | HP: 122 |
Lickitung | Normal | Attack: 98.3 | Defense: 126.9 | HP: 183 |
Mandibuzz | Dark, Flying | Attack: 92.3 | Defense: 149.2 | HP: 176 |
Azumarill | Water, Fairy | Attack: 93.7 | Defense: 134.1 | HP: 190 |
Swampert | Water, Ground | Attack: 123 | Defense: 108.6 | HP: 136 |
Swampert (Shadow) | Water, Ground | Attack: 123 | Defense: 108.6 | HP: 136 |
Bastiodon | Rock, Steel | Attack: 81.1 | Defense: 246.7 | HP: 138 |
Feraligatr | Water | Attack: 123.3 | Defense: 118 | HP: 124 |
Feraligatr (Shadow) | Water | Attack: 123.3 | Defense: 118 | HP: 124 |
Clodsire | Poison, Ground | Attack: 94.2 | Defense: 119.4 | HP: 209 |
Gligar | Ground, Flying | Attack: 108 | Defense: 146.2 | HP: 130 |
Gligar (Shadow) | Ground, Flying | Attack: 108 | Defense: 146.2 | HP: 130 |
Empoleon | Water, Steel | Attack: 125.8 | Defense: 115.9 | HP: 122 |
Empoleon (Shadow) | Water, Steel | Attack: 125.8 | Defense: 115.9 | HP: 122 |
Medicham | Fighting, Psychic | Attack: 106.9 | Defense: 139.5 | HP: 141 |
Pelipper | Water, Flying | Attack: 123.3 | Defense: 128.7 | HP: 114 |
Cresselia | Psychic | Attack: 93.2 | Defense: 158.3 | HP: 163 |
Corsola (Galarian) | Ghost | Attack: 109.3 | Defense: 141.6 | HP: 133 |
Quagsire | Water, Ground | Attack: 111.3 | Defense: 112 | HP: 161 |
Skarmory | Steel, Flying | Attack: 106.2 | Defense: 163.1 | HP: 122 |
Vigoroth | Normal | Attack: 117.7 | Defense: 112.7 | HP: 144 |
Goodra | Dragon | Attack: 119.7 | Defense: 136.8 | HP: 114 |
Hakamo-o | Dragon, Fighting | Attack: 115.5 | Defense: 134.8 | HP: 124 |