Pokemon & Pokemon Go PVP Resources & Rankings

  Registeel Steel
Lock On: Fast: 1 Turn | 5 Eng | 1 Dmg
Focus Blast: Charged: 75 Eng | 150 Dmg
Zap Cannon: Charged: 80 Eng | 150 Dmg | -1 Attack Opponent, 33% Chance
Metal Claw: Fast: 2 Turn | 7 Eng | 5 Dmg
Rock Smash: Fast: 3 Turn | 7 Eng | 9 Dmg
Flash Cannon: Charged: 70 Eng | 110 Dmg
Hyper Beam: Charged: 80 Eng | 150 Dmg
Return: Charged: 70 Eng | 130 Dmg
Master League Rating: F
Ultra League Rating: A
Great League Rating: B
Max Atk: 132.8
Max Def: 252.1
Max HP: 172
Max CP: 2766
Weakness: Fire, Ground, Fighting
Resistance: Poison (Double), Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy
Neutral Dmg: Electric, Water, Ghost, Dark

Pokemon Search

Pokemon Go Upcoming Event:

Hoopa Unbound Raid Day
Saturday, Feb 15, from 2pm to 5pm
Mythical Psychic & Dark Pokemon
Hoopa Unbound is double weak to Bug moves, and is weak to fairy moves
Hoopa Unbound Hundo CP: 2289, Weather Boost 2862
Hoopa Unbound is a high attack Mythical Pokemon with good moveset and can be a good contender in Master League.

Pokemon Go Current Legendary Raid Boss:

Enamorus (Incarnate)
Type: Fairy & Flying
Feb 6 to Feb 17
Enamorus Hundo CP: 1957, Weather Boost 2447
Enamorus has high attack, but low defense stats. Enamorus can be a good contender in Master League even though it is considered a glass cannon. However, with the upcoming UNOVA Tour Event, there will be more of Zekrom and Black and White Kyurem used in the Master League, so there will be more electric and ice move Pokemon contenders and they are super-effective against Enamorus.

Pokemon Go Past Events