Dynamax Zapdos Counters, Weakness, Max Battle Guide and tips on which Pokemon to use to beat Dynamax Zapdos.

If you are not familiar with the ins and outs of doing a Max Battle, we highly recommend to review our very quick and summary guide link below:

Quick Guide on How to Do a Max Raid Battle

Below are some important points about Dynamax Zapdos raid battle:

  • Dynamax Zapdos is a five star raid boss with high difficulty level.
  • The maximum number of trainers for a Dynamax Raid is four trainers; this makes beating Dynamax Zapdos moderately challenging.
  • You will need to raise your Pokemon level (At least to a level 40 is a recommendation level.)
  • You will need to use a combination of Pokemon that resist / tank Zapdos moves and Pokenon that have super-effective moves against Zapdos.
  • You will need to use the fast moves that generate the most energy so you can fill up the Max Meter fast.
  • You will need to learn the techniques of switching your Pokemon at the proper time (see our Quick Guide on How to Do a Max Raid Battle).
  • You may need to level up your Pokemon's Max Moves and possibly unlock your Pokemon's Max Guard and Max Spirit to have a better chance of beating the raid.

As of January 27, 2025, below Dynamax Pokemon are the best available and suited Pokemon for battling Dynamax Zapdos:

  • Zapdos is weak to Ice and Rock attacks and there are only Ice Type Pokemon available with Ice Fast Moves.
  • This is important to know that in a five-star raid battle like Zapdos, the charge move of your Pokemon will do minimal damage. The most damage is done when your Pokemon is dynamaxed and when dynamaxed, your Pokemon's Max Attack is based on your Pokemon's Fast Move and not charge move. So when you are using a Pokemon as an attacker, make sure its Fast Move is super-effective againts Zapdos and it generates the most energy so the Max Meter can reach 100% quickly. In this case when using Excadrill or Metagross as a tank, they will be using steel fast moves which is resisited by Zapdos, so make sure to switch to your attacker Pokemon when dynamaxed and switch back to your tank Pokemon after dynamaxed ends and Max Meter starts over.
  • To tank Zapdos attacks, use Excadrill with Metal Claw fast move or if you don't have Excadrill, use Metagross with Bullet Punch fast move. If you don't have Excadrill or Metagross, use Venusaur or Rillaboom as a tank; however, this can require some techniques to dodge Drill Peck. This is important to know that the job of the Pokemon that you are using as a tank is to resists the raid boss attack and you will need to switch to your attacker Pokemon when the Max Meter is reached 100%.
    If you do not know how to switch your Pokemon during a Max Battle, please review our quick guide below:
    Quick Guide on How to Do a Max Raid Battle
  • Depending on the level and types of your Pokemon and their moves, the number of trainers, and Zapdos's moves, etc., you may need to use two Tank Pokemon, like Excadrill and Metagross and one attacker Pokemon.
  • For attacking Pokemon, use Gigantamax Lapras with Frost Breath Fast Move and Ice Beam Charge move or Cryogonal with Ice Shard Fast Move and Triple Axel Charged Move. or Articuno with Ice Shard Fast Move and Triple Axel Charged Move.
  • Rememeber, you should switch out of your Tank Pokemon after dynamax ends and Max Meter starts over. In a case scenario, when you are not comfortable to switch to your Tank Pokemon, you may want to use Cryogonal as your attacker because unlike Lapras or Articuno which are weak to Zapdos' electric moves, Cryogonal is not weak to Zapdos moves.